THE LAST OF US 2 PS5 - Abby Brutal Combat & Aggressive Stealth Kills 4K UHD

THE LAST OF US 2 PS5 - Abby Brutal Combat & Aggressive Stealth Kills 4K UHD

THE LAST OF US 2 PS5 - Abby Brutal Combat & Aggressive Stealth Kills 4K UHD Enjoy !!! Subscribe Fore More Fun !!! In this video, we will explore Epic Brutal Combat and Aggressive Stealth Kills Gameplay (Ellie) / Cinematic Realism within The Last of Us Part 2 or Last of us 2 on PS5 60fps. NO SPOILERS (Played on PS5) We'll be showcasing many combat mechanics in The Last of Us 2: Aggressive Stealth Kills, Joel Revolver Trick Shots, Ellie Melee Takedowns + Brutal Kills, Switchblade Knives + Handgun / Machine Gun Combos, Crossbow & Explosive Arrow Trick Shots, Quick Scope Blind Firing, Brutal Shotgun Mechanics, Rifle Headshots, Disarming Enemies, 60 fps Trick Shots, Revolver Mechanics, Sub-Machine Gun kills, Air Takedowns, Aggressive Stealth Combat Tips, Havok Physics Engine / Euphoria Ragdoll Physics etc. - This channel focuses on Cinematic Gaming and other video games such as Red Dead Redemption 2, Ghost of Tsushima, Assassins Creed, Cyberpunk 2077, GTA 5, and more Chapter: Seattle Day 2 – Hillcrest, Ellie, Jesse, PS5 60 FPS Maxed-Out Graphics Gameplay Encounter: Abandoned Apartments Hallways Urban City Houses Streets Backyards Rooftops Abandoned Stores Gardens Mode: The Last of Us 2 New Game Plus Mode (PS5) Difficulty: GROUNDED MODE / SURVIVOR+ VERY HARD User Interface: NO HUD (FREE AIM / NO CROSSHAIR/ NO AIM ASSIST To gather resources for showcased encounters, the previous chapters were played on Very Light. This video also showcases the Beautiful Graphics & Gameplay in The Last of Us part 2.