6 Ways to Compost
You guys have asked some great questions about home composting and since I am no expert on all the different methods, I've asked some fellow gardeners to talk to you about their various methods of composting. All in all, with 6 different compost methods discussed, I think there is something for everyone to help you all on your own composting journeys. So we have: 00:00 Intro 01:21 Dalek bins with @homegardens7682 05:00 Hugelkultur with @GardenerScott 12:30 Hotbin Composter with Beanie Composter 15:22 3 bay compost system with @JessieatPlot37 20:54 Bokashi composting with CompostGuyUk 24:06 Vermicomposting (worm bins) with @LondonWorms ▶CHANNELS FEATURED TODAY◀ Jessie at plot37: / jessieatplot37 Home Gardens: / @homegardens7682 Gardener Scott: / gardenerscott Beanie Composting: / @beaniecomposter London Worms & Garden: / londonworms CompostGuyUK: / compostguy.uk ▶THE NEXT VIDEO TO WATCH◀ Planning a vegetable garden for year-round harvests: • Make a great veg garden plan (no expe... ▶SUBSCRIBE◀ Please subscribe and we hope you enjoyed this video - it would be extra lovely if you could also SHARE it around - that would be the best present ever. LINK: http://bit.ly/eliandkate ▶SUPPORT THE CHANNEL◀ / eliandkate Rather than youtube membership, we are building our community on Patreon, allowing all of our fabulous gardening folks to join (not just youtube subscribers) and interact. Not only does joining us there mean you get extras like behind-the-scenes updates, exclusive news, and a chance to have a say in the videos we make but you'll be helping us directly to keep creating these videos and blogs and we really, really appreciate it that. ▶LINK TO OUR GARDENING TOOLS AND KIT ◀ https://kit.co/eliappd ▶ CHANNEL BRANDED SWAG ◀ / thekitchengardenwitheliandkate ▶BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY◀ You can help support our channel in three ways that won’t cost you anything extra: 1. Be part of the community by watching, liking, commenting, and sharing videos. 2. Click this link to SUBSCRIBE and click the bell to get notifications when we post new content: bit.ly/eliandkate 3. If you use Amazon and want to buy anything at all, click through with this link, it doesn't cost you anything extra but we get a tiny commission: https://www.amazon.co.uk/?tag=arbruid... Thank you for your support, it means the world to us! #composting #hugelkultur #bokashi #hotbincpomposter #vermicomposting