😱உங்க முடி வேரோடு கொட்டினாலும், கையோடு வந்தாலும் இந்த ஒரு Hair Pack போதும் / Stopped Hair Fall

😱உங்க முடி வேரோடு கொட்டினாலும், கையோடு வந்தாலும் இந்த ஒரு Hair Pack போதும் / Stopped Hair Fall

#Jegathees_meena #hairgrowthchallenge2022 #hairgrowthchellenge #thickness #thickhair Website👉👉https://www.jegatheesmeena.com/ Jegathees  meena Vlog..👉   / @jegatheesmeenavlog   Instagram Link👇👇👇 https://instagram.com/jegathees_meena... Hair Towel drying method shorts video👇    • முடியை இப்படி காயவச்சு தல சீவுங்க ஒரு...   Vatika shampoo available https://amzn.to/3hFUa8L Flaxseed 500g https://amzn.to/3GBASvz Flaxseed Oil    • 😱My Mom Secret Hair oil முடி இல்லைனு ...   Hair fall spray👉   • 🤩Just 1 week👉இனி கனவிலும் கூட முடி கொ...   or 👉   • 🤗காரணம் இல்லாமல் முடி கொட்டுதா..? Hai...   My Food Routine👉    • 🤫My secret hair growth day to day foo...   Homemade Coconut Hair oil👇 Type 1    • Video   Type 2    • முடி கம்மியா இருக்கா அடர்த்தியா வளரணு...   Hair growth challenge Challenge started measurement video link👉   • 😍Started Hair Growth Challenge in 30 ...   Day 1👉    • Day 1..🤩 30 Day's Challenge👍Get Short...   Day2 👉    • WOW..😱 Challenge For 30 day's குட்டைய...   Day3 👉   • உங்களுக்கு முடி அடர்த்தியா இல்லையா..?...   Day4 👉   • உங்களுக்கு முடி அடர்த்தியா இல்லையா..?...   Day 7👉   • 👆வாரம் 2️⃣முறை USE பண்ணுங்க தினமும் 2...   Dat 8👉   • முடி கொட்டுவதை தடுத்து, வேகமாக வளரும்...   Day 10👉   • 1000% Result😍 One Month Challenge👍For...   Day 13👉   • 100% Result 😍முடியின் நீளம் (ம) அடர்த...   Day 16👉   • 😱My Mom Secret Hair oil முடி இல்லைனு ...   Day 18👉   • உங்க முடி கொட்டுதா..? உடனே நிறுத்த சூ...   Day 20👉   • 😍 30 நாளில் Baldness மறைந்து போகும் M...   Day 23👉   • DIY|| OMG😱 Super Thickness Hair Growt...   Day 25👉   • Wow🤩 Increase HAIR GROWTH & THICKNESS...   Day 28👉   • 😱உங்க முடி வேரோடு கொட்டினாலும், கையோட...   Day 30👉   • புது முடி வளர..😱 30 days Hair Growth ...   ================================= Scalp Massager👇 https://amzn.to/3eYAXu9 vega hair brush👉https://amzn.to/3tczeaS Kadhi organique shampoo link..👇 https://amzn.to/3zBQ46A my new Vatika Coconut milk👇 Shampoo https://amzn.to/3G6X6Ck ================================= Best Chemical Free Shampoos Vatika Coconut milk shampoo https://amzn.to/3d7NmON Zlich shmapoo https://amzn.to/3zZJTuy Kotakkal shampoo https://amzn.to/3dbIIiV Kadhi natural amla& bringaraj shampoo https://amzn.to/3zBQ46A Root shampoo https://amzn.to/3Q3YA5k ================================= Other chemical Free shampoo 👇 Vatika Henna&Amla shampoo..👇https://amzn.to/3w1Lyug Himalaya Anti-dandruff shampoo👇 https://amzn.to/3h5dkAA Mama earth Rice water shampoo👇 https://amzn.to/3F3wa52 Mamearth onion shampoo👇 https://amzn.to/3EZ6UNr Rootz shampoo👇 https://amzn.to/3y4lD6T Hai Friends.. Today I have upload the video for 30days Hair growth challenge 🗒Day-28 Hair pack 10.. Flaxseed is an main ingredients of all my hair packs(30 Days challenge).Flaxseed contain Omega3 fatty acid and minerals also. it's improved Hair growth, Hair thickness and control split ends. it's contain several benefits of Hair... So, I have choose Flaxseed in this challenge ... Today I had to prepared this pack for Strengthening your scalp&Hair rootz to control extreme HAIR LOSS.. Take Rice soaked Water (15mints Soaked rice using water), Add 10g Clove.. Its contain Anti Bacterial, Antifungal properties.. And it also strengthen your hair roots.. 3rd Ingredient is Falxseed to improve Hair growth & Thickness.. I had take 5 spoon of flaxseed in this pan.. Boiled it 5-10mints of medium Flame.. Filter it, let them cool.. Finally, added 2 egg whites for Faster Hair growth.. Mix it well.. Now the hair pack is ready to use... Apply the pack all over scalp and hair.. Before using the hair pack apply oil in ur hair.. 20 mints after wash your hair using shampoo or sikakhai... Next hair pack I will upload after in a 2days.. Day 29 only i apply oil in my hair... Keep to follow this routine in last 2days end of this challenge.🤩 I hope you like this video.. Thank you for watching ❤️🌹🌹🌹 #HairGrowth #HairFall #Hair #Dandruff #HairTips #Tamil #Jegatheesmeena #jegathees #meena #HairVideo #LongHair #SplitEnd #DryHair #ThinHair #FrizzyHair #HairPack #HairOil #HairGrowthOil #HairFallSolutions #Straightening #Scalp hair growth video long hair video long hair rips hair fall tips hair growth tips split end tips hair pack for hair fall hair pack for black hair thin to thick hair smoothening hair pack how to growth black and thick hair dandruff hair pack scalp strengthening hair pack scalp treatment at home fast hair growth pack hair thickness video meena hair pack for long hair hair tips fir boys hair pack for boys hair growth challenge girls hair fall control at home #hairpack #hairgrowth #hairfall #hair #hair #growth #dandruff #hairgrowthoil #scalp #hairfall #hairtips #blackhair