From Me to You - The Beatles【karaoke】【guitar】
#fingerstyle #instrumental #cover #acoustic #lyrics Thanks for watching this video! You can enjoy both The Beatles karaoke and fingerstyle Guitar! I upload a new video once or twice a week, so please subscribe to my channel and click the Like button! "Hey Jude" • Hey Jude - The Beatles【karaoke】【guitar】 "Yesterday" • Yesterday - The Beatles【karaoke】【guitar】 "Let It Be" • Let It Be - The Beatles【karaoke】【guitar】 "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" • Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da - The Beatles【kara... "Lady Madonna" • Lady Madonna - The Beatles【karaoke】【g... 【All Songs Playlist】 • All Songs Playlist