Placenta Explain in tamil | Anterior Placenta & Posterior Placenta to Predict baby boy or girl tamil

Placenta Explain in tamil | Anterior Placenta & Posterior Placenta to Predict baby boy or girl tamil

#placenta #typesofpalcenta #genderprediction #anteriorplacenta #posteriorplacenta #foundalplacenta #latelplacenta #babyboyorgirl #babyboy #babygirlsymptoms #baby Placenta full Explanation in tamil /Placenta position to predict Baby Boy or Girl its Real or Fake😇 1. How to remove Stretch Marks in pregnancy    • How to Remove Pregnancy Stretch Marks...   2. Placenta position to predict baby Gender    • Placenta Explain in tamil | Anterior ...   3. How to predict gender using Belly button    • Linea nigra gender prediction Baby bo...   4. 6 Tips for Cervix open faster in Tamil    • 6 Tips for Cervix open faster in tami...   5. 9 month pregnancy women avoid things    • 9th Month Avoid things during pregnan...   6. Carrot rice for babies and toddlers in tamil    • 6 Tips for Cervix open faster in tami...   7. 9 Month Pregnancy foetus growth in tamil    • 9th Month Pregnancy in Tamil || 9th M...   8. 10 Things that your baby dislike in pregnancy    • 10 Things that your Baby dislike in p...   9. Early pregnancy symptoms in tamil    • Early Pregnancy Symptoms in Tamil || ...   10. Leg Swelling During pregnancy in tamil    • Pregnant Ladies-கு கால் வீங்க காரணம் ...   11. Gender Prediction in tamil -baby boy or girl    • Gender prediction in Tamil - Baby boy...   12. Things to Avoid Early pregnancy in tamil    • Things to Avoid Early pregnancy in Ta...   13. How to increase baby weight during pregnancy    • How to Increase Baby weight During pr...   14. Real 8 boy baby symptoms in tamil    • Real 8 Boy Baby Symptoms during pregn...   15. How much Water should I drink during pregnancy    • கர்ப்பிணி பெண்கள் எவ்வளவு தண்ணீர் குட...   16. How to Predict baby boy or girl using Scan report in tamil    • How to predict Baby Boy or Girl using...   17. Normal delivery Tips in tamil    • Normal delivery tips in tamil | 5 tip...   18. How to Get fair baby during pregnancy    • How to Get Fair baby during pregnancy...   19. How to sleep during pregnancy    • How to Sleep during pregnancy in Tami...   20. Miscarriage symptoms during pregnancy    • How to Sleep during pregnancy in Tami...   21. Girl baby symptoms during pregnancy    • How to Sleep during pregnancy in Tami...   22. Boy baby symptoms during pregnancy    • ஆண் குழந்தை பிறப்பதற்கான 16 அறிகுறிகள...   healthy pregnancy, pregnancy tips in tamil, how to predict baby gender in tamil, boy or girl baby symtoms in tamil, pregant women do's and don't, karpini, foods to avoid during pregnancy, tips fore pregnant woemnt, healthy pregnancy tips in tamil, pregnancy time food list, pregnancy time sleeping position, amniotic fluid, pregnancy tips and advice tamil, pregnancy tips, sleeping position, foods to eat during pregnancy, normal delivery tips in tamil, kasayam for normal Disclaimer Please note that I am not a medical professional and this information does not replace any medical advice that you can get directly from your doctor, always consult your doctor for the most specific advice. my intention for making these videos is to provide awareness and support to new moms.