Worship Service for March 2, 2022, Ash Wednesday

Worship Service for March 2, 2022, Ash Wednesday

Welcome to Grace Lutheran Church for our Ash Wednesday worship service for March 2, 2022! Thank you for joining us as we continue to worship in this way! We will have some people in the space for the service, which acknowledge is on the traditional and unceded lands and territories of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ (Musqueam) and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) speaking peoples. We also know that you all come from different areas and regions and encourage you to find out the traditional names for those lands and territories and make the appropriate acknowledgements as well. The bulletin for the service can be found here: http://graceburnaby.com/?p=13112 This will be a shorter service than we are used to and of a different format, but as usual the words that you need to know will appear on your screen. The bulletin will have the same words and then some, as well as the sermon. We will be having the imposition of ashes during this service, and if you at home would like to participate you can wait until everyone in the space has received their ashes, and you will be instructed to mark your own forehead with your fingers. You could add some kind of dirt or soil if you wish, but it would not be necessary. And as always you may have a lit candle to assist in the ambiance for worship. If you would like to support our ministry with a financial donation, we have two ways to do so online. The first is free for us to use, and is set up by our national church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, at this link: https://secure.elcic.ca/ You will need to fill out the form, but on the "Donation Fund" drop down menu, please select "ELCIC Congregation" and enter our name and address in the "Personal Message" box. Our address is: Grace Lutheran Church 7283 Nelson Ave. Burnaby, BC V5J 4C2 The second way to give online does cost us a small fee for every dollar given, and it is through Canada Helps. This method is a bit easier to us, especially if you have an account with them already. Our profile can be found here: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/47761 We appreciate your generosity! May the grace and mercy of God flow through your lives in love, now and always! One License #: A-717016 Augsburg Fortress License: SAS006436