Yoga Nidra for Clarity
40 Minute Throat Chakra Yoga Nidra to Find Your Voice Join Kristyn Rose for Week 5 of our 8-week Yoga Nidra series, Journey Through the Chakras, as we explore the Throat Chakra, or Vishuddha—the center of communication, expression, and truth. Begin with the gentle hum of Brahmari breath, clearing pathways for authentic self-expression. Guided visualizations lead you to the realm of Vishuddha, where the blue light of truth shines brightly. Feel your voice become a powerful tool for expressing your deepest truths. Embrace the wisdom of the Throat Chakra to communicate with clarity and courage, fostering clarity, confidence, and creativity as you unlock your unique voice and embrace your authentic self. See below links to all of the practices in this series thus far: Yoga Nidra for Root Chakra: • Yoga Nidra for Strength Yoga Nidra for Sacral Chakra: • Yoga Nidra for Release Yoga Nidra for Solar Plexus: • Yoga Nidra the Light Within Yoga Nidra for Heart Chakra: • Yoga Nidra for Acceptance Yoga Nidra for the Throat Chakra: • Yoga Nidra for Clarity Yoga Nidra for the Mind's Eye Chakra: • Mind's Eye Yoga Nidra Downloads available on Shopify: https://kristynroseyoga.myshopify.com --------------------- Journey through the Chakras in our Embodied Wisdom 200 hour Online Yoga Teacher Training starting this September. Enrolment open now! https://allyboothroyd.com/embodied-wi... Interested in deepening your Yoga Nidra practice? Join Ally Boothroyd, myself and the team at the School of Living Yoga in our Transformational Sleep Yoga Nidra Teacher Training: https://allyboothroyd.com/online-yoga... Book a live application call with me here: https://calendly.com/kristynfoster International Yoga Retreats with the School of Living Yoga: https://allyboothroyd.com/costa-rica-... Thank you for being here. Please join our growing global online community and help share the medicine of deep rest into a world that needs it the most. Subscribe to get notified when new Yoga Nidra recordings are released each and every week. Thank you for being here. Would you like to enjoy live yoga nidra practices with me? Join our new online studio at the School of Living Yoga Circle of Thread! You can join us for live practices and replays. See link below to access a special two week free trial (limited time offer): https://the-circle-of-thread-yoga-com... Other trainings & more: Moon to Moon Restorative Yoga Teacher Training: https://living.yoga/restorative-yoga-... Instagram: / kristynroseyoga Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/kristynrose #yoganidra #throatchakra #voice #truth #communication #honesty #chakras #8weekseries #meditation #guidedmeditation #nonsleepdeeprest