New Empires And Kingdoms Class 6 | Genealogies |Class 6 History Chapter 10 in Hindi

New Empires And Kingdoms Class 6 | Genealogies |Class 6 History Chapter 10 in Hindi

New Empires And Kingdoms Class 6 | Genealogies | Class 6 History Chapter 10 in Hindi ALL CHAPTERS OF CLASS 6 HISTORY-    • CLASS 6 HISTORY || ALL CHAPTERS   ALL CHAPTERS OF CLASS 6 GEOGRAPHY-    • CLASS 6 GEOGRAPHY || ALL CHAPTERS   Hello Learners, Welcome to the channel INTERNET LEARNING ABOUT THIS VIDEO Class: 6 Subject: History Chapter: NEW EMPIRES AND KINGDOMS Topic: 🔷 Genealogies In this video the topics - "Genealogies" of "NCERT history Class 6 Chapter 10" - "NEW EMPIRES AND KINGDOMS" is explained in very simple and detailed manner. Both Hindi and English languages are used while explaining "Genealogies" of "new empires and kingdoms class 6 in Hindi" so that you can understand more easily. Most prashastis also mention the ancestors of the ruler. This one mentions Samudragupta’s great grandfather, grandfather, father and mother. His mother, Kumara devi, belonged to the Lichchhavi gana, while his father, Chandragupta, was the first ruler of the Gupta dynasty to adopt the grand title of maharaj-adhiraja, a title that Samudragupta also used. His great grandfather and grandfather are mentioned simply as maha-rajas. It seems as if the family gradually rose to importance. CONTACT US Email id - [email protected] #class6history #books #history #ncert_history_class_6 #UPSC #class6historychapter10 #ancienthistoryforupsc #importantforupsc #class6history_ch10 #importanttopic #class6history #class6