Animal Size Comparison: Living and Extinct | The Largest Animals in the World

Animal Size Comparison: Living and Extinct | The Largest Animals in the World

mya: million years ago. The largest animal ever to have lived on Earth, Prehistoric mammals. Largest insect, Largest arthropod, Largest amphibian, Largest snake, Largest bird of prey, largest flying bird, largest bird, Largest flying animal, Largest primates, Apex land predatory mammal, Largest land predator, largest land mammal, Tallest animal, Largest land animal, Largest fish, Strongest ocean predator, Heaviest animal, Largest and Heaviest animal. African bush elephant, Andean condor, Argentavis, Argentinosaurus, Blue whale, Chinese giant salamander, Elephant bird (Vorombe titan), Giant anaconda, Gigantopithecus, Gorilla, Jaekelopterus rhenaniae (sea scorpion), Japanese spider crab, Killer whale, Leedsichthys, Masai giraffe, Mastodonsaurus, Megalodon, MEG, MEG 2, Meganeuropsis, Ostrich,Panthera (Lions and Tigers), Paraceratherium, Pelagornis sandersi, Perucetus colossus, Polar bear, Quetzalcoatlus, Sauroposeidon, Simbakubwa kutokaafrika, Titan beetle, Titanoboa, Triassic ichthyosaur, Tyrannosaurus, T-Rex, Wandering albatross, Whale shark Images by: André Nel Blanca Martí de Ahumada Didier Descouens Dmitry Bogdanov El fosilmaníaco Fandom Japanese spider crab JJ Harrison Levi bernardo Mauricio Anton Stegotyranno Thomas Quine © 2021 G's Data Lab