Mastering MS EXCEL from Beginner to Advanced level in Urdu/Hindi
#datascience #msexcel #msexcelwithcodanics #dataanalytics #machinelearning All lectures of MS EXCEL with codanics will be found here: • Introduction to MS EXCEL in Urdu/Hindi Video Description: Welcome to our codanics, dedicated to Microsoft Excel! 🎉 Are you looking to master the art of spreadsheets and data analysis? You've come to the right place! Our channel is designed to provide you with comprehensive tutorials, tips, and tricks to harness the full potential of Microsoft Excel. Mastering MS EXCEL from Beginner to Advanced level in Urdu/Hindi 00:00:00-Introduction 00:08:11-Excel Basics Knowledge 00:26:21-How to convert data in uppercase and lowercase? 00:37:21-How to Group/ungroup data? 00:40:15-How to delete blank rows? 00:46:41-How to convert numbers in words? 00:51:31-How to combine data in one column? 00:54:08-How to add date in excel? 01:09:52-How to calculate age? 01:12:33-How to Compare columns? 01:19:45-How to change date formats? 01:35:42-How to calculate Time Difference? 01:38:23-DAX in Excel 01:44:04-Checkbox in Excel 01:49:42-How to insert image in Excel? 01:52:49-How to insert PDF/PPT in excel? 01:55:45-How to convert PDF to Excel? 02:08:08-How to set cell size? 02:12:20-How to create barcodes in excel? 02:24:14-How to calculate standard deviation in Excel? 02:30:35-How to sort by date in excel? 02:37:18-Slicers and Filters in Excel 02:40:10-How to add filters in excel? 02:53:49-Data Validation in Excel 03:12:44-How to Lock(Protect)cells in excel? 03:17:15-Excel Print Page Setup 03:26:55-Conditional Formatting In Excel 03:31:37-How to remove duplicates in excel? 03:34:28-SUMIFS Formula in excel 03:42:48-How to calculate Percentage in Excel 03:49:34-How to Highlight Duplicates in Excel? 03:53:20-Charts in Excel 04:03:31-Progress Tracker in excel 04:06:09-Excel Gantt Chart 04:09:24-How to use mail merge in Excel? 04:14:55-Excel LOOKUP 04:55:15-Indirect Function In Excel 05:00:00-Web Query in Excel 05:04:51-Userforms in Excel 05:16:06-How to recover unsaved file in excel? 05:21:19-Project Planning in Excel 05:30:28-Microsoft Excel Templets 05:34:06-MIS Reports in Excel 05:45:37-Time Series Analysis 06:19:53-Excel Dashboard Designs ✅Subscribe to our Channel to learn more about the top Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning : / codanics --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explore other free courses here: 🔥 Python ka chilla v1.0 for Data Science (playlist): • Python_ka_chilla (python in 40 days i... 🔥 Machine learning ka chilla (playlist): • Video 🔥 Streamlit course for dash boards and webapps for data science (playlist): • Streamlit for webapps/Dashboards of D... 🔥 Cloud computing (playlist): • Cloud Computing for Beginners in Urdu... 🔥 #RwithAammar Programming with R for Data Analysis and Data Science (Playlist): • Complete Data Science Course in R 🔥 Make publication ready graphs in Rstudio: • Publication Ready Graphs 🔥 Computer Vision openCV in Python (Playlist): • Computer Visions (openCV) with Python... 🔥MS Excel for Data Analysis: • Microsoft Excel for Intermediate | Co... 🔥 SQL complete course in Hindi/Urdu: • SQL | mySQL Complete Course Playlist ... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔥-Follow me on following platforms: 1. Twitter: / aammar_tufail 2. github: https://github.com/AammarTufail 3. Tiktok: / draammar --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #dataScience Join this telegram group for regular updates via zoom meeting 1-to-1 sessions: https://t.me/codanics --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for more details: www.codanics.com