Shadow of the Tomb Raider 100% Walkthrough (All DLCs and Collectibles)

Shadow of the Tomb Raider 100% Walkthrough (All DLCs and Collectibles)

Shadow of the Tomb Raider 100% completion includes all the collectibles and trophies/achievements in easy to follow guide to earn the platinum trophy/100% completion. Read the important information below👇 Part 2:    • Shadow of the Tomb Raider 100% Walkth...   ❤️ Get Subscribed: of the Tomb Raider 👾 Discoord:   / discord   🕹 100% Walkthroughs:   / completewalkthroughs   🛣 Roadmap: Estimated trophy difficulty: 5/10 Approximate amount of time to platinum: 30h Number of missable trophies: All Combat Trophies Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, you must beat it on Deadly Obsession Minimum Playthroughs: 1 (but recommended 2) Free-Roam: Yes ✅ Step 1: Easy Difficulty Playthrough (Smart and Resourceful Difficulty) & Combat Trophies (All Missable) ✅ Step 2: 100% Completion (Collectibles, Challenges, Side Quests, Tombs) and DLCs ✅ Step 3: New Game+ Deadly Obsession Difficulty playthrough (only beat the main story)    • Shadow of the Tomb Raider Walkthrough...   🧭 Timestamps: (Collectibles Timestamps in the pinned comment) 0:00:00 - Intro 0:01:36 - Cozumel 0:59:02 - Peruvian Jungle 2:24:51 - Croft Manor 2:45:25 - Peruvian Jungle Continue 3:13:29 - Kuwaq Yaku 5:42:56 - The Hidden City 8:36:45 - Peruvian Jungle - Second Visit 8:39:02 - Cozumel - Second Visit 8:43:01 - The Hidden City 9:36:48 - Cenote Thanks for watching! tags #tombraider #shadowofthetombraider