Five Little Speckled Frogs 🐸 | Kids Songs and Nursery Rhymes | Hello Tiny

Five Little Speckled Frogs 🐸 | Kids Songs and Nursery Rhymes | Hello Tiny

👶 More Hello Tiny songs:    • 👶 Hello Tiny 🎵 Popular Baby Songs & N...   🎥 Subscribe!    / @hellotiny   In this song collection for kids: 0:00 Five Little Speckled Frogs 2:16 Are you sleeping little Animals 4:25 Bingo 6:39 Once I caught Fish Alive 8:53 Who stole the cookie 11:01 Pop Goes The Weasel 13:20 This Old Man 15:51 Hot Cross Buns 17:57 My Dog Got Sick 20:23 I Love the Mountains 22:02 Ba Ba Black Sheep 24:41 Peek A Boo 26:57 Rain Rain Go Away 29:12 Please Song 31:22 Blue Bus Where Are You 33:47 Head Shoulder Knees and Toes 36:02 Ten in the Bed 38:23 Itsy Bitsy Spider 40:27 Aramsamsam 42:42 Getting Ready For School 44:49 The Muffin Man 47:00 Boo Boo Song 49:18 Veggie Rhyme Time 51:27 Hickory Dickory Dock 53:03 The Wheels On The Bus (Play Version) 55:16 Roses are red 56:29 Looby Loo 58:37 Skidamarink 🐸 Five little speckled frogs - Lyrics: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Five little speckled frogs, Sat on a speckled log, Eating some most delicious bugs, Yum, yum! One jumped into the pool, Where it was nice and cool, Now there are four green speckled frogs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 💖 Hello Tiny is a world of the best nursery rhymes for kids, songs for babies and entertainment for toddlers! Here you can find collection of preschool songs, Christmas songs, Halloween songs, nursery rhymes for the whole family, and much-much more! Listen to karaoke for children and sing along to your favorite childhood songs. #hellotiny #nurseryrhymes