3 Ingredients Best Nutella Gooey Brownies Recipe by Quick Food Official - Fudge Brownies - Shorts
Only 3 Ingredients Best Nutella Gooey Brownies Recipe by Quick Food Official - Chocolate Fudge Brownies - Shorts These brownies turn out super tasty and gooey and so easy to make. You can make it with 3 ingredients. Others ingredients are optional. It’s all depend on your choice. If you insert toothpick for checking if it is done and little brownies sticks with toothpick That’s totally fine because brownies are not like cake it’s little sticky and gooey. Don’t bake too much otherwise corners will be hard. Let it little cool before server. Serve After 10-15 mins. You serve with Ice cream on the top of the brownies too. Ingredients Nutella 1&1/4 cups All purpose flour 1/2 cup Eggs 2 Melted salted butter 1 tbs (optional) You can make without butter too. If you want you can add chocolate chips.(optional) And if you want something different spread some walnut or chocolate chips on the top of the batter before bake. But without anything still taste sooo yummy. 📲 Instagram: https://instagram.com/official.quickf... 📲 Facebook: / quick-food-101801585191166 #nutellabrowniesrecipe #quickfoodofficial #fudgebrowniesrecipe #gooeybrowniesrecipe #chewybrownies #choclatefudgebrownies #quickfood #bestbrowniesrecipe #easybrowniesrecipe