How to make beautiful Decorative flowers from crepe paper🌺2025-03-18#Paperflowercraft#homedecoration

How to make beautiful Decorative flowers from crepe paper🌺2025-03-18#Paperflowercraft#homedecoration

#papercraft #crepepapercraft #crepepaperflower #Paperflowertutorial #homedecoration 👋 Welcome to Emma's Handmade, This video is to share with you some ideas and methods of make beautiful Decorative flowers by hand with crepe paper, 💕 Thank you for watching my video! 👍Glad to get your likes! 💕Your comments inspire me to create beauty! 💕 Subscribe to my channel 🔔 Don't forget to ring the bell ✅ so you don't miss new videos! thank you for your support! video link :👇👇👇👇👇    • How to make beautiful Decorative flow...   ⋯♡⋯⋯⋯♡⋯⋯⋯♡⋯⋯⋯♡⋯♡⋯⋯⋯♡⋯⋯⋯♡⋯⋯⋯♡ Materials & Tools: crepe paper white glue floral wire thread floral tape watercolor scissors rulers pliers