Difference between MBA & PGDM | Degree Vs. Diploma | Which is better?
Get Free MBA Counselling by Sunstone! - https://sunstone.in/mba-education-tha... MBA vs PGDM in India: Which is Better After Graduation? Are you willing to pursue postgraduation but confused between the MBA and PGDM postgraduation degrees? Then, you're at the right video. In this video, we discuss the PGDM vs MBA comparison. We explore what makes the MBA and PGDM degrees different from one another. While both MBA and PGDM offer advanced knowledge and skills about management to the students, they differ in the mode of delivery, university accreditation, and several other factors. So, watch this video until the end to learn more about MBA vs PGDM in India and determine the right management degree for your career. Learn more about the top 5 PGDM specializations you had no idea about: https://sunstone.in/blog/5-pgdm-speci... #mbavspgdm #pgdmvsmba #mbavspgdminindia #differencebetweenmbaandpgdm