Drawing amazing spiderman poster|Fanmade|| Artist Abode

Drawing amazing spiderman poster|Fanmade|| Artist Abode

Can't provide the reference image Materials I used: .Doms colour pencil(pack of 24) .Tissue papers .My mother's makeup brush😂 White sakura gel pen: https://dl.flipkart.com/s/_fCHsDNNNN Black prismacolour pencil: https://dl.flipkart.com/s/PcvNWOuuuN Apsara mechno eraser : https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/146... maries charcoal pencils (soft,neutral,hard) : https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0892LXQPV/r... Camlin graphite pencil: https://dl.flipkart.com/dl/camlin-gra... Camlin shading pencil 6B : https://www.shoponn.in/camlin_drawing... Mechanical pencil 0.5mm Earbuds Blending stumps A-4 size ordinary drawing sheets Ordinary sketch book kneaded eraser:  https://www.amazon.in/dp/B00006IFAJ/r... soft eraser :https://www.amazon.in/dp/B088CZLZBX/r... pencil extender : https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07BNL4H5B/r...   Follow me on insta: https://instagram.com/artist_abode.69... ||Stay safe and stay healthy || #MAKETASM3 #Fanart #Artist Abode