Three bears 🧸 | Popular rhyming nursery rhymes | Have fun dancing with the animals ❤️!

Three bears 🧸 | Popular rhyming nursery rhymes | Have fun dancing with the animals ❤️!

🚀Ring in the New Year with fun nursery rhymes!🛫 Listen to Jelly Pang Pang's season 1 kids music video!📀 🌟Subscribe :젤리팡팡코리아?sub_... 🌟Lyrics : Verse 1 There's three bears in a house Daddy bear, mommy bear, and baby bear Daddy bear is fat Mommy bear is slim Baby bear is so cute Shrug, shrug, good job! Verse 2 Three bears go through the mountains Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear Papa Bear climbs a tree Mama Bear is looking for honey Baby bear follows the flowers Shrug Funny! #popularnurseryrhyme #animation #children'smusical #kids #rhymingnurseryrhymes #jellypangang