Make him want you back | Love spell

Make him want you back | Love spell

Boil the name of the person you like and sit to watch as he come back, head over heels in love with you. Tuesday is the ideal day of the week to dominate a person, so if you want that person to return, repentant and full of love, you can't forget to perform this ritual. On a white paper using red ink, write the name of the person you want to dominate. Put water to boil, and when it's boiling, place the paper with the name inside. Then add 3 tablespoons of sugar to sweeten him and a pinch of cinnamon to attract him. With a spoon, stir the water in a clockwise direction. While doing so, repeat: "[Person's Name], Until you seek me, your thoughts will boil. When you breathe, you will feel my scent. When you talk, your tongue will stumble with my name. When you sleep, you will dream of me, And when you are with another woman, you will see my face in her... Come now, come quickly, that's my will, so mote it be." Let the water boil for 5 minutes, and when it cools down, put the paper with a bit of the water in a jar and keep it in a dark place where no one can see it until that person returns. Don't be surprised if that person reaches out to you on the same day, as this spell is very powerful.