GTA V Online - The Diamond Casino Heist Elite Challenge (The Big Con)

GTA V Online - The Diamond Casino Heist Elite Challenge (The Big Con)

✔ Like and SUBSCRIBE ✔ Turn on notifications (🔔) to stay updated with new uploads Elite Challenge: First of all, when you do your scoping out of the vault contents, make sure it is Artwork. Having artwork is much quicker to bag, and will also make you able to run at full speed. You are unable to do this with Cash or Gold. If you do not get Artwork, simply quit the scoping out job from your phone and try again until you do. Heist Crew: Gunman - Abolaji Driver - Karim Denz Hacker - Paige Harris - Gives you plenty of time to collect everything you need and means you only have to hack one fingerprint for each vault cage door (unless on Hard mode, then it's 2 hacks per gate) Preps Mandatory: Unmarked Weapons - SMG Loadout - Guns are not important here Getaway Vehicles - Sentinel Classic. Denz also has good locations for the getaway cars spawning. Hacking Device Gruppe Sechs 1 Gruppe Sechs 2 General Prep Work: Vault Keycards - to save hacking each lock Patrol Routes - so you can see where everyone is Security Pass: Level 1 & 2 Planning: Disguise - Gruppe Sechs Entrance - Security Tunnel Exit - Staff Lobby Exit Disguise - High Roller (you can only get this if you've collected all 52 cards from the Casino DLC. If you've not done this then do the NOOSE or Firefighter Prep). Buyer: Any DO NOT WASTE MONEY on Clean Car and Decoy. Tactics: This is by far the easiest heist to complete. After a while you should be able to get the Elite Challenge to High Buyer every single time. All yo have to do is walk (or jump when the game allows you) to the vault then raid it. After you've raided the vault, jump all the way out and head up the stairs. Watch for the first guard who usually patrols around the elevator and stairs. Once he's out of your way head right and wait for the next guard to walk past the door heading right. Creep up behind and knock him out. Head towards the laundry area and change into your disguise. Once disguised you can simply run out through the Staff Lobby exit without any problems. Change camera to first person. This will make you run faster. When outside, jump over the fence in front, and run as fast as you can to the corner of the racetrack to your right where your getaway vehicles will be. Again, change to first person camera to run faster. The next part relies on RnG. Sometimes your cars will be closer than others. Just get in whatever car comes to you first, be it a car off the street or your own. If you selected the High Buyer then head towards the Mesa Police Station and climb the building to get in the helicopter. If you didn't, then just drive to your checkpoint and lose the cops around that area. Going deep into the sewers will generally just lose you time. Timing: The Elite Challenge timer starts when you get the small cutscene to enter the casino after swiping your keycards (then 35 seconds of black loading screen). 02:30 - Vault cutscene 06:20 - Swiped keypads to exit the vault 08:50 - Exit casino 15:00 - Complete Big Money Guide Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold. Scope out Gold as the vault contents. Heist Crew: Gunman - Aboloji Driver - Karim Denz Hacker - Avi Schwartzman - Gives you plenty of time to collect everything you need and means you only have to hack one fingerprint for each vault cage door (unless on Hard mode, then it's 2 hacks per gate), as well as allowing extra time to drill for a few more goodies. Preps Mandatory: Unmarked Weapons - SMG Loadout Getaway Vehicles - Sentinel Classic. Denz also has good locations for the getaway cars spawning. Gruppe Sechs 1 Gruppe Sechs 2 General Prep Work: Vault Keycards - to save hacking each lock Patrol Routes - so you can see where everyone is Security Pass: Level 1 & 2 Planning: Disguise - Gruppe Sechs Entrance - Security Tunnel Exit - Staff Lobby Exit Disguise - High Roller (you can only get this if you've collected all 52 cards from the Casino DLC. If you've not done this then do the NOOSE or Firefighter Prep). Buyer: Any DO NOT WASTE MONEY on Clean Car and Decoy. Tactics: I recommend only having a 2-player team. This will maximise your payout. You're looking at around $1.3m for each player this way. Complete this on hard mode (when it has the skull on it) for a collective gain of $200k. If you can complete this in 15 mins for the Elite Challenge you'll also get another $100k bonus each. Choose High Buyer in heist setup. Same as Elite Challenge You can raid the smaller vault in the room upstairs but the guards are difficult to take out together.