The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus | June 9, 2024 | Catholic Holy Mass

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus | June 9, 2024 | Catholic Holy Mass

Welcome to Holy Name of Mary Catholic Chapel broadcasting from the Endless Mountains region of Pennsylvania! Our priests and all the faithful of Holy Name Mary invite you to pray, worship, and receive Spiritual Communion in Mary's Chapel. We welcome all of Mary's baptized children of goodwill who genuinely seek the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, sacramentally or spiritually, to participate faithfully in our Chapel community; regardless of race, nationality, age, gender or gender expression, sexuality, marital status, socioeconomic status, political affiliation, or other blessed diversities. Learn more about Mary's Chapel and offer Mass Intentions at We are the Diverse People of God Walking in the Affirming Love of the Fruit of Mary's Womb, Jesus Christ. An Old Roman Catholic broadcast mission in partnership with the Society of Mercy. #todaysmass #mass #catholicmass #sacredheart #immaculateheart