10AM Holy Eucharist Rite Two | 20 February 2022
St. John’s Episcopal Church | Portsmouth, NH Joining us today? Give at http://www.stjohnsnh.org All music recorded by St. John's musicians All music under OneLicense A-726442 Chapters: 0:00:00 Introduction and Community Announcements 0:02:39 Prelude, “Tierce en taille,” Francois Couperin, plus Community Announcements 0:05:57 Order of service 0:06:22 Entrance Hymn 379, “God is love, let heaven adore him” 0:09:52 Welcome and start of service 0:10:26 Song of Praise, “All creatures of our God and King” 0:11:31 The Collect of the Day 0:12:47 First Reading, Genesis 45, 3-11 and 15 0:14:53 Psalm 37, 1-6, 41-42 0:16:53 Sequence Hymn 581, “Where charity and love prevail” 0:18:14 Gospel, Luke 6, 27-38 0:20:45 Sermon, The Rev. Robert E. Stevens 0:34:35 The Nicene Creed 0:36:39 The Prayers of the People 0:38:05 The Confession and Absolution 0:39:03 The Peace 0:39:37 Announcements 0:43:25 Offertory Anthem, “Ubi caritas,” Maurice Duruflé 0:46:12 Eucharistic Prayer II 0:49:50 The Lord's Prayer 0:53:44 Communion Anthem, “Draw us in the Spirit's tether,” Harold Friedell 0:57:28 Post Communion Prayer 0:57:59 The Blessing 0:58:19 Recessional Hymn 657, “Love divine, all loves excelling” 1:01:37 The Dismissal and Postlude, “Plein jeu,” Francois Couperin; plus Community Announcements