Tradition recipe, popular indian sweet , modak , ukadiche modak , steamed modak recipe video, sweets
Tradition recipe, popular indian sweet , modak , ukadiche modak , steamed modak recipe video, sweets Traditional modak recipe Ingredients 1 cup grated fresh coconut 1 cup grated jaggery 1/2 tsp Cardomom powder 1/4 tsp nutmeg powder 1 tsp poppy seeds 2 tbsp desi ghee 1 cup water 1 pinch salt 1 tsp desi ghee 1 cup rice flour How to make modak, how to steam modak, how to shape ukadiche modak, new modak recipes, steamed modak recipe, ukadichemodak recipe , #modakrecipe #modak #ukadichemodakrecipe #steamedmodak #shaheensyed #indiansweet #maharashtrianfood #maharashtrianrecipes how to shape modak, modak banane ki vidhi, how to use modak mould , how to make modak without mould, traditional sweet recipe, sweets , sweet recipe, modak is also fried known as fried modak, or talniche modak, made with wheat flour or maida or rice flour , modak made with dry fruits is also called dryfruit modak or kaju modak , mawa modak recipes are rich and tasty sweets #ganpati #ganpatifestival #festivalrecipes #ganeshchaturthi #traditionalrecipe #authenticrecipe #popular #sweetrecipe #withoutmould #maharashtra #cooking #indianfood #recipe , modak without mould, modak ki recipe , how to steam modak , wheat modak recipe , coconut filling for modak, sweet modak, saran for modak, jaggery modak if u like my recipe please like share subscribe