'Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving - Thanksgiving Read Aloud
On the night before Thanksgiving, a group of children visit a turkey farm and meet Farmer Mack Nuggett and his coop of cockerels: Ollie, Stanley, Larry, Moe, Wally, Beaver, Shemp, and Groucho. The children and turkeys giggle and gobble, and everything is gravy. As the trip comes to an end, the children leave the farm with full hearts -- and bulging bellies -- reminding people and poultry alike that there is much to be thankful for. 'Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving: Author: Dav Pilkey Enjoy this read aloud by Brittany Click this link to own this book: http://bit.ly/3UAbN8o Please don't forget to like and subscribe! Thank you! Contact info: Instagram - / readalouds.brittany Email - [email protected] Donations are greatly appreciated: https://paypal.me/readaloudsbrittany?... #TwasTheNightBeforeThanksgiving #kidsbookreadaloud #readaloud