my transformed physique?
The first clip is my current condition ✅ The third clip is about 1 years 5 month back, Before knowing my workout, diet and routine you must understand that I can share my workout and diet with you but you will never understand the efforts and emotions I put into being the Man I am right now ✅ . .Workout ✅ . .My workout split ✅ Shoulder separate day Bi and tri together Back and chest together sometimes separate but if I am doing chest I will do I movement for my back and vice versa Legs day separate day . .I train 6 days a week so the day I feel recovered from my last workout I train the muscles again. I train twice a day, the gym is one part of my life. . .The point to be noted -I made so many mistakes on the journey and I kept on learning and improving myself . .RECOVERY ✅ Ice bath in the winter ✅ Cold shower every day ✅ 6-7 hours sleep every day ✅ . . .Workout ✅ My gym journey started with bro split after realising 1 muscle a day is not that exhausting I started training 2 muscles a day and I had no clue about another split than bro split so I just created a program according to my best. After gaining amazing experience on the journey I came up with my own split which is best for me 💯 . .🔴for diet and workout split follow now. For coming update. 🔴 .#gymmotivation #hindi #fitnessmotivation #aesthetic #transformation #trending #hyderabad #