FHCOG Sunday AM Creole Worship Service | 11/26/23

FHCOG Sunday AM Creole Worship Service | 11/26/23

Sermon Series Theme: Evidence of the Unseen Scriptural Reference: John 20:19-31 focus verse 29 Speaker: Pastor Ruth Vincent, First Haitian COG of Philadelphia Welcome to our livestream! We are so blessed that you have joined us. OUR WEEKLY SCHEDULE: Monday- Friday [conference call] Sunrise Prayer Service 5:30 AM- 6:30 AM Noon Day Prayer Service 12:00 PM- 1:00 PM 2nd & 4th Tuesdays and Every Saturday [in-person] Prayer and Fasting Service 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM Wednesday Evening [in-person] Divine Inspiration Service 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Friday Evening [in-person] Watch Night Service 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM SOCIAL MEDIA PAGES: Instagram: @fhcogtrenton Facebook: First Haitian Church of God of Trenton #iamfhcog #fhcogtrenton First Haitian Church of God of Trenton 1501 Greenwood Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 **WE DO NOT OWN COPYRIGHTS TO THE MUSIC**