Stop Trying To Control The Timing | Steven Furtick

Stop Trying To Control The Timing | Steven Furtick

What if God wants to reset your schedule? In his message, “Stop Trying To Control The Timing,” Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church shows us how to trust God’s timing – even when it feels like things are behind schedule. This is an excerpt from “Unschedulable Blessings.” To watch the full message, click here:    • Unschedulable Blessings | Pastor Stev...   —— Stay Connected Website: Steven Furtick Facebook: Steven Furtick Instagram: Steven Furtick Twitter: #stevenfurtick #stevenfurticksermons #stoptryingtocontrolthetiming #unschedulableblessings #timing #trust #onlinechurch #churchonline Section Titles: 0:00 - What If God Wants To Reset Your Schedule? 2:06 - I Feel Behind Schedule 4:04 - Stop Trying To Control The Timing (Mark 5, verse 36) 6:45 - The Best Things Won't Be On Your Schedule 9:02 - Let God Guide You 14:10 - God Knows What He's Doing 16:21 - You Don't Know What God Has Planned Stop Trying To Control The Timing | Steven Furtick