avoid pregnancy without protection in hindi | how to get pregnant fast|Natural birth control methods
What Is Menstrual Cycle? The changes in the female reproductive organ to get it ready for pregnancy every month is called the menstrual cycle. These changes result from the increase and decrease in the levels of female hormones estrogen and progesterone in the body. Every month, an egg develops and is released from the ovaries and the uterine lining forms in preparation for the implantation of a fertilized egg. If implantation does not occur, the uterine lining is shed, and you get periods. 1. What are the safe days? The days of the menstrual cycle, where the chances of getting pregnant are least is called the safe period. 2. Which days are considered to be safe for a woman after periods? A woman is most fertile during ovulation. For a woman with 28 to 30 days menstrual cycle, ovulation takes place during the 10th to the 14th day. But there are still chances to of getting pregnant till the 21st day. So days 1 to 7 and 14 days before your periods are considered to be safe days. But there are chances you might get pregnant on these days also, so always use other birth control methods. 3. How to calculate safe days? Safe days can be calculated by counting the number of days of your periods for six months continuously. With the help of the record, count the days of your longest menstrual cycle and subtract 18 days. Count that number of days from the first day of your last period, and mark it as M. Subtract 10 days from your shortest menstrual cycle, and count that number of days from the first day of your last period and mark it as N. The days between M and N are the most fertile days, and the other days are considered as safe days. 4. How do I calculate my safe days if my periods are irregular? The same method can be used for women with irregular periods also. It is better if they monitor their menstrual cycle for more than 6 months, as it will give them a clear idea about the longest and shortest menstrual cycle. They can also use other means to track ovulation by basal body temperature and monitoring your cervical mucus. 5. What is ovulation? The process by which an egg (ovum) is released from the ovary is called ovulation. Fertilization can take place up to 12 to 24 hours after ovulation. This is the most fertile period in the menstrual cycle. 6. When does a woman ovulate? For a woman with a 28 to 30 days cycle, ovulation takes place between days 10 and 14. However, it can happen anywhere between days 10 and 21 8. Is it safe five days before and after menstruation? Yes, these days are considered safe. As you do not ovulate five days before or after periods, the chances of pregnancy are almost nil. 9. Can I get pregnant 10 days after periods? Yes, you can get pregnant. As you ovulate around the 10th or 11th day, and the sperms are viable for up to 5 days inside a woman, fertilization is possible. 10. Can you get pregnant during menstruation? The chances of pregnancy during menstruation are less. As you cannot ovulate while on periods. This is true only for women with regular cycles. As sperm can live inside you for up to 5 days, and if your menstrual cycle is short, you can still get pregnant. COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER👇👇 "Under the Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, there is an allowance for 'fair use' of copyrighted material for such purposes as education and research, scholarship, criticism, news reporting, comment, and teaching." related queries: Safe period to avoid pregnancy, Safe period for sex, Safe period, बिना कंडोम के लड़की प्रेग्नेंट नहीं होगी ऐसे करे सेक्स, Safe period for sex to avoid pregnancy, Avoid pregnancy after sex, natural birth control methods, natural birth control app, natural family planning, fertility awareness method, non hormonal birth control, fertility awareness, effective natural birth control, natural birth control as a catholic, fertility awareness method birth control, Avoid pregnancy without protection in hindi, Avoid pregnancy tablet name in India, Avoid pregnancy without using contraceptive, Safe days, Safe days to prevent pregnancy in hindi, Safe days to have sex, Safe days to prevent pregnancy in hindi, Safe days after period to avoid pregnancy, Period sex safe or unsafe, Period sex karne se kya hota hai, calculate safe period to avoid pregnancy safe period to avoid pregnancy in hindi, how to calculate safe period to avoid pregnancy in hindi, safe time of intercourse to avoid pregnancy in hindi how to avoid pregnancy without protection in hindi how to avoid pregnancy pregnancy avoid pregnancy without protection avoid pregnancy unwanted pregnancy birth control क्या कंडोम से प्रेग्नेंसी हो सकती है बिना कंडोम के लड़की प्रेग्नेंट नहीं होगी ऐसे करे सेक्स