Souffle Pancake | Egg Recipes | Fluffy Pancakes | Japanese Food | Breakfast Ideas | Pancake Recipe

Souffle Pancake | Egg Recipes | Fluffy Pancakes | Japanese Food | Breakfast Ideas | Pancake Recipe

Souffle Pancake | Japanese Street Food | Egg Recipes | Breakfast Recipes | Pancake Recipe Souffle Pancakes are famous Japanese pancakes known for their extreme fluffiness. The trick lies in preparation of the batter and cooking the pancakes rightly. And we are here with you to help you navigate through the whole process easily. So, why wait? Watch this video right away and enjoy your share of these soft and yummy pancakes meant to melt in your mouth instantly! #soufflepancake #pancakerecipe #pancake #breakfastrecipes #breakfast #breakfastideas #japanesestreetfood #streetfood #snacks #eggrecipes #eggbreakfast #japanesepancake #fluffypancakes #fluffypancake #homecooking Prep Time: 15 mins Cook Time: 10 mins Servings: 2-3 To Make Souffle Pancakes Egg - 4 Nos Milk - 7 tbsp (boiled & cooled) Vanilla Essence - 1 tsp All Purpose Flour / Maida - 6 tbsp Baking Powder - 1/4 tsp Salt Sugar - 4 tbsp Oil Method: 1. Crack open the eggs and drop the whites and yolks separately into two different bowls. 2. Refrigerate the egg whites. 3. To a large bowl, add the egg yolks and whisk them well. 4. Add milk and vanilla essence. Whisk it all again. 5. Add maida/all purpose flour, salt and baking powder into the bowl by sieving. 6. Blend all the ingredients and keep it aside. 7. Beat the chilled egg whites and add sugar in intervals. Keep beating until it becomes stiff, nice and fluffy. 8. Slowly and gradually mix egg whites mixture with egg yolks mixture. 9. Do not whisk too hard to maintain the fluffiness in the batter. 10. Heat a pan on low flame and apply some oil. Gently wipe off the excess oil with a kitchen towel or a tissue paper. 11. Gently place the pancake mixture 3 times with 3 spoonfuls gradually on the pan as shown in the video. 12. Pour water in the space left towards the sides of the pan. 13. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for 2 mins on low flame. 14. After 2 mins, add another spoonful of batter on each pancake. 15. Add water to the sides of the pan again and cover it. 16. Cook the pancakes for 2 mins and then flip them to the other side. Add water to the pan sides again. 17. Close the pan and cook for 2 mins on this other side as well. 18. Remove them from the pan to a plate. 19. Souffle Pancakes are ready to be served hot fresh with a cube of butter and some maple syrup or honey. You can buy our book and classes on HAPPY COOKING WITH HOMECOOKING ENJOY OUR RECIPES WEBSITE: FACEBOOK -  / homecookingshow   YOUTUBE:    / homecookingshow   INSTAGRAM -   / homecookingshow   A Ventuno Production :