Surah Muddathir (74) Word by Word (pt1) | Mishary Rashid Al Afasy
سُـورة الـمُـدّثّـر مشاري بن راشد العفاسي Don’t forget to like this video! Also share it with friend or family who you know can benefit from these videos! Put a comment down below for any suggestions or any mistakes you would like to point out. I will respond as fast as I can Inshallah. May Allah make the memorization of Qur’an easier on all of us! Ameen! 0:00 | Ayah 1 - 4 2:10 | Ayah 5 - 7 3:32 | Ayah 8 - 10 6:32 | Ayah 11 - 14 8:56 | Ayah 15 - 17 11:24 | Ayah 18 - 23 14:30 | Ayah 24 - 30 (Sorry I forgot to put the pronunciation for Ayah 29) 18:50 | Ayah 31 [Pt.1] 26:20 | Ayah 31 [Pt.2]