Surah Muddathir (74) Word by Word (pt1) | Mishary Rashid Al Afasy

Surah Muddathir (74) Word by Word (pt1) | Mishary Rashid Al Afasy

‎سُـورة الـمُـدّثّـر مشاري بن راشد العفاسي Don’t forget to like this video! Also share it with friend or family who you know can benefit from these videos! Put a comment down below for any suggestions or any mistakes you would like to point out. I will respond as fast as I can Inshallah. May Allah make the memorization of Qur’an easier on all of us! Ameen! 0:00 | Ayah 1 - 4 2:10 | Ayah 5 - 7 3:32 | Ayah 8 - 10 6:32 | Ayah 11 - 14 8:56 | Ayah 15 - 17 11:24 | Ayah 18 - 23 14:30 | Ayah 24 - 30 (Sorry I forgot to put the pronunciation for Ayah 29) 18:50 | Ayah 31 [Pt.1] 26:20 | Ayah 31 [Pt.2]