keema Karhae recipe by Desi kitchen with Anjum ||Easy and new recipe ||قیمہ کرھائی

keema Karhae recipe by Desi kitchen with Anjum ||Easy and new recipe ||قیمہ کرھائی

Today! I am preparing Keema Karhae. Easiest and less Ingredients recipie. You must have to try and taste. This is completely step by step video. You must have to try this recipe. Thank you. Don't forget to like, share and comment on video. You make sure to subscribe my channel to get new notifications of my new vedioes. Thank you. Ingredients for Keema Karhae: Mutton mince 750g Onion 2 medium sized Tomato 2 medium sized Coriander powder 1 tsp Garlic paste 1 tsp Ginger paste 1 tsp Haldi powder 1/2 tsp Green coriander as required Red chilli powder 1/2 tsp Salt as required Oil as required Green chilli's 3-4 finally chopped #desikitchenwithanjum #Keemakarhae #muttonkeema #homeingredients #authentic #cooking #simpleingredients #easy #homemade #secretsofmasala #simpleingredients