Terrifying Night Drive A True Horror Encounter

Terrifying Night Drive A True Horror Encounter

Terrifying Night Drive A True Horror Encounter It was a cold November night when Jake set out on a long drive home. The highway stretched endlessly ahead, flanked by thick forests on both sides. The road was eerily empty, just him and the faint glow of his headlights cutting through the darkness. About an hour in, he noticed something strange. A car was trailing him. At first, he thought nothing of it—just another late-night driver. But then… he realized the car had no headlights on. He changed lanes. So did they. Slowing down, he waited for them to pass. But they didn’t. They just lingered behind him, matching his speed exactly. His heart began to race. Gripping the wheel, he pressed the gas. The car behind him did the same. And then—just as suddenly as it had appeared—the car *vanished.* One moment it was there, the next… the road behind him was completely empty. Jake’s breath caught in his throat. There was *nowhere* for a car to turn off. No exits, no hidden roads. Just a straight highway with nothing but trees. Trying to shake off the unease, he kept driving. That’s when he saw it—the same car… now in front of him. Parked on the side of the road, hazard lights blinking. But there was no one inside. As he passed, his radio let out a loud burst of static. A whisper crackled through: Don’t look back. Chills ran down his spine. Against every instinct, he glanced at his rearview mirror… A pale figure sat in his back seat. The next thing he remembered, he was pulling into his driveway—with no memory of the last thirty minutes. To this day, he doesn’t know what happened. But every night since then… he wakes up at exactly 3:07 AM. And outside his window… the same car waits. With its headlights off. night drive horror stories,horror stories,horror,night drive,true horror stories,night drive stories,scary night drive stories,night drive horror,night horror stories,terrifying true night drive horror story,night car drive horror stories,night driving horror stories,scary horror stories,drive horror stories,scary night drive horror stories,terrifying horror stories,night drive paranormal,driving at night,late night driving horror stories