BUNNY HOP ♫| Dance Song for Kids | Pancake Manor

BUNNY HOP ♫| Dance Song for Kids | Pancake Manor

Bunny Hop is a new kids song that will get kids jumping for joy! Watch the bunny hop, shake, turn, kick and more in this original song by the folks at Pancake Manor. This song for kids is designed to help kids sing and dance along with the bunny's actions. Stream our Music --► https://moonbug.lnk.to/PancakeManorTh... Join our Fan Club ►   / pancakemanor   Order Dolls, Shirts and More! --► http://shop.pancakemanor.com/ Visit our Website --► https://www.pancakemanor.com Pancake Manor is made for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarten children and features original songs for kids. The series is produced entirely by Billy Reid & Reb Stevenson, two loving parents who own a lot of wigs. Our channel is a mix of classic nursery rhyme songs, original music for children, and scripted content. Our songs and videos are enjoyed by children all over the world both at home and in the classroom, and parents often find themselves singing along with no regret! Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for more PANCAKE MANOR™! * * LYRICS : Bunny hop, hop, hop Doo-do-do-do-doo Bunny hop x 3 Bunny shake, shake, shake Doo-do-do-do-doo Bunny shake x 3 Bunny turn around Doo-do-do-do-doo Bunny turn around Bunny wave hello Doo-do-do-do-doo Bunny wave hello Does want a carrot? Then HOP Does bunny want two carrots? Then SHAKE and SHAKE Does bunny want three carrots? Then TURN, then TURN, and TURN Does bunny want 4 carrots? No thanks. Bunny is full? Bunny kick, kick, kick Doo-do-do-do-doo Bunny kick x 3 Bunny scratch, scratch, scratch Doo-do-do-do-doo Bunny scratch x 3 Bunny wave goodbye Doo-do-do-do-doo Bunny wave goodbye