Fast Money Spell | Create Wealth & Prosperity
Just do what I'm going to share with you and you will be amazed by the amount of money and blessings that will come into your life next week... This 3-day ritual will cleanse and open your paths to abundance, love, and prosperity... Saturday is the best day to cleanse the negative energies accumulated in your home, so don’t forget to put 3 tablespoons of salt in a glass of water and leave it overnight behind the toilet. On Sunday morning, flush it down the toilet... On Sunday, light a white candle surrounded by a circle of cinnamon to attract abundance and fortune. Light the candle and repeat: "My paths are opening, there are no obstacles to stop me, money, love, and happiness flow freely. So mote it be." On Monday, before leaving your house, wash your hands with sugar while saying: "Money comes to me in large amounts, and my hands are filled with wealth." Rinse your hands with plenty of water and let them dry on their own. I promise you will have a week filled with blessings and abundance...