Off The Wall - Medley (history tour) | Michael Jackson Impersonator | jackson star

Off The Wall - Medley (history tour) | Michael Jackson Impersonator | jackson star

Hello STARS🌟 I am back with another Dance video on Michael Jackson's "Off The Wall". its history tour version of off the wall medley. I hope you find it entertaining and give a thumbs up and some love by comments, share and subscribing ❤️🌟 _______ To learn dance moves personally from me i am giving an online dance course on zoom app. DM me on my Instagram for more details. My Social media👇 ▫️Instagram :   / jimi_mjj   ▫️Email : [email protected], _______ My dance tutorial series 👇    • How To Dance Like Michael Jackson   My MJ dance covers👇    • Michael jackson dance   My own choreographies 👇    • My own choreography   Short films👇    • Short films   YouTube shorts👇    • YouTube shorts   _______ #michaeljackson #michaeljackson #offthewall #jacksonstar _______ keywords : off the wall michael jackson, off the wall album, off the wall lyrics, off the wall live, off the wall reaction, off the wall instrumental, off the wall acapella, off the wall album michael jackson, off the wall amv, off the wall album full, off the wall album review, off the wall album reaction, off the wall bass boosted, off the wall by michael jackson, off the wall bass cover, off the wall band, off the wall bad tour, off the wall cover, off the wall choreography, off the wall dance, off the wall disco, off the wall edit, off the wall era, off the wall edit audio, off the wall extended, off the wall full album, off the wall full album michael jackson, off the wall freestyle, off the wall jackson, off the wall jackson 5, michael j off the wall, off the wall lyrics michael jackson, off the wall live 1979, off the wall michael jackson live, off the wall michael jackson lyrics, off the wall michael jackson remix, off the wall medley, off the wall michael jackson instrumental, off the wall michael jackson reaction, m jackson off the wall, off the wall official video, off the wall tiktok, off the wall this is it, off the wall the jacksons, michael jackson off the wall unreleased songs, off the wall victory tour, off the wall vocals, off the wall working day and night, off the wall with lyrics, off the wall 1987, michael jackson off the wall history tour, michael jackson history tour off the wall medley, off the wall 1979, off the wall 1981, off the wall 1984, off the wall 1988, off the wall 1996, michael jackson off the wall 40th anniversary, off the wall era 4k, jackson 5 off the wall