Top 5 Calcium-Rich Foods, Dairy Free!
Are you getting enough calcium in your diet? Do you know just how important the mineral is to our health? The very first thing you should know is that calcium is critical for bone and teeth health. In fact, calcium plays a role of in the prevention of cancer and osteoporosis. It's also important to note that the body maintains a specific concentration of the mineral, but you still need to augment it through your diet. Failure to do this will take a toll on your bone health as you get older and that's pretty bad. As we know, milk is one of the primary sources of calcium, but not everyone likes downing dairy! So are there other foods that can top up our calcium levels? Well, you'll be glad to know that there are other healthy foods that can provide you with sufficient amounts of calcium and that's exactly what we're about to explore! Sounds good? Let's dive in! 1. Greens If you're not a fan of dairy, you can get your calcium by eating several different greens. Just be sure to consume lots of cooked turnip greens, collard greens and kale — they're all an excellent source of calcium! For example, one cup serving of cooked kale provides you with up to 10% of the RDA of calcium. The best part? It's super easy to add greens to your diet! 2. Hemp Milk It's also an excellent idea to try hemp milk — it's a perfect alternative to dairy milk. It's good to know that just one cup serving of fortified hemp milk provides up to 428 mg of calcium and that's amazing. Moreover, hemp milk is also a complete protein source as it contains all 10 essential amino acids. It's also chock full of Vitamins A, D, E and B-12, as well as an excellent source of iron, potassium, and Omega-3's! 3. Chia Seeds Chia seeds are yet another great source of calcium that still come with other essential minerals. For the most part, two tablespoons of chia seeds provides 177 mg of calcium and they're great for breakfast or dessert. Chia seeds also happen to be the richest plant-based source of Omega-3's — it even surpasses salmon! Moreover the seeds are rich in boron and magnesium, and still contains trace minerals that promotes the absorption of calcium. 4. Sesame Seeds Do you know that just a quarter cup of sesame seeds provide 35.1 % of the RDA of calcium? Well, they do! The seeds also happen to be an excellent source of copper and manganese. It also contain several other essential vitamins and minerals. The good thing is, you can consume sesame seeds in several different ways — you can add the seeds to baked goods, use in stir-fries or just sprinkle them on your salads. 5. Baby Carrots These orange wonder wands contain 48 mg of calcium and also have a stellar calorie to fiber ratio which happen to great for flat belly. Moreover, carrots are also chock full of Vitamin A. Carrots are sure to work great as a mid-afternoon snack — just pack some in a baggy and enjoy! So there you have it! Regardless of whether you're lactose intolerant or just hate the idea of drinking milk, these foods can help top your calcium levels! Here's the strong and healthy bones! - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ℹ️ Medical Disclaimer: https://pastebin.com/s0cHYHvf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------