February 14th, 2021:Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 10am
Presider: Fr. Bob click below --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click on the hymn titles for words and music! Prelude: A Delicate Joy--D. Nevue Gathering: All Are Welcome Glory to God: Sung at 10am Psalm: Ps. 32: I Turn to You--I turn to you, Lord, in times of trouble and you fill me with the joy of salvation. Gifts: (Instrumental) Joy--G. Winston Communion: There Is a Longing Communion Meditation: To You, O Lord--M. Haugen, sung by Erin Quinn-Sunday, 5 pm Mass Recessional: I Have Loved You Postlude: Recessional on MADRID--M. Hayes Cantors this weekend Saturday 5 pm and Sunday 10 am - Katie Caviness Sunday 5 pm - Doyle Keane Bell Choir Sunday 10 and Sunday 5 ****************************************************** 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) Prayer of the Faithful Our response is: Lord, hear our prayer. For the Church, that God will help us to love others, confront lies and injustice, and surrender ourselves in service to God and neighbor as Jesus did. We pray to the Lord. For greater unity in the human family, that God will open our hearts and help us to cooperate with all peoples, races, and faith traditions in combating disease, poverty, and injustice. We pray to the Lord. For openness to the Spirit, that we will be attentive to the invitations of God to grow and change during the coming Lenten season. We pray to the Lord. For all married couples, that God will continue to deepen their love and help their relationship give witness to God’s loving presence in the world. We pray to the Lord. For all who are physically or socially isolated, that God will guide us in reaching out to them and assisting with their needs. We pray to the Lord. For all who suffer in body, mind, or spirit, especially, Janet Stiles (Chelsea Vaughan's mother), Maureen Spittlehouse, Brendan Gilrane (Bryan's brother), Patricia Donald, Augusta Burke, Saroja Narayan, Ingrid Kelly, Janet Wheelan, George Gonsalves, all those with Covid-19, and all who are remembered in our parish bulletin, that God will heal them and give strength to those who care for them. We pray to the Lord. For all of our family members, friends, and parishioners who have died, especially Mary Anne Agnello, Irena Kaminska (the mother of the Fr. Dariusz Kaminski), Deacon Herb Coyne, Dr. Antoinette Cecere (Carmela’s niece), Pamela Anne Kunz, Joan Hare (Patrick Hare’s mother), those killed by the coronavirus, and for 5:00 pm Charles Spencer, Jr., and Mark Conwell, 7:30 am Enrique Moure, and Avelina Moure, 10:00 am Bob and Joan Lanigan, John Meeks and Jennie Aielli, 5:00 pm Charles Lynn Butler, and Daniel Deicas, whom we remember at this Mass, that Christ will welcome them into eternal life and give peace to all who grieve their death. We pray to the Lord. ========================================== Announcements: February 13/14, 2021 Announcements at end of mass: 1: This Wednesday begins Lent with the celebration of Ash Wednesday; a schedule of liturgies may be found in the bulletin and parish website. We will also livestream one of our liturgies. 2: Bishop Kevin Sweeney will celebrate the 10:00 a.m. mass next Sunday, February 21. Seat reservations for that mass are encouraged, but not required. Reservations may be made through the parish website or in the back of church for those without internet access. Announcement on Saturday at 5:00 p.m. and Sunday at 10:00 a.m. 1: Communion is available at the entranceway to the parish center in the parking lot between 11:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. every Sunday morning.