what is the LoL full form

what is the LoL full form

"Laughing Out Loud" is an acronym commonly used in online and text messaging conversations. It stands for "LOL," which means "Laugh Out Loud." People use LOL or Laughing Out Loud to indicate that something is funny or amusing. It's a way to express laughter or a sense of humor in written communication. LOL has become a widely recognized and used abbreviation in digital conversations and is often accompanied by emojis or other expressions to convey various levels of amusement. Hi friends welcome to the YouTube channel, the channel is purely dedicated to other types (GK) general knowledge full form meaning BBA MBA deferens, #SSC #gk general knowledge, artificial intelligence, General knowledge questions and answers college students and it is collection of general knowledge questions related of the others subjects competitive exams such, clerk UPS examinations important MCQ answers, #defence#MBBS meaning All subjects short MCQ full form Full form video #gk #lol #genaralknowledge #shorts #technology #technology full form #trendingshorts #full #full form #crpf #itbp #police