How to Pray When You Wake Up At 3am | Powerful Protection Prayer in Tamil | Christian Motivation

How to Pray When You Wake Up At 3am | Powerful Protection Prayer in Tamil | Christian Motivation

Here's a description you could use for your video "How to Pray When You Wake Up At 3am | Powerful Protection Prayer in Tamil | Christian Motivation" Title: How to Pray When You Wake Up At 3am | Powerful Protection Prayer in Tamil | Christian Motivation Description: Waking up at 3 am can be a spiritual calling. In this video, we guide you through a powerful protection prayer in Tamil that you can use during those early hours. Whether you are feeling anxious, scared, or simply seeking God's presence, this prayer will help you find peace, protection, and strength in the Lord. Join us as we delve into the significance of this sacred hour and how you can connect with God's love and power through prayer. Key Features of This Video: Powerful 3 am prayer for protection and peace How to connect with God's presence during the early hours Christian motivation and guidance in Tamil May this prayer bring comfort, strength, and divine protection to your life. Remember, God is with you always, even in the quiet hours of the night. morning prayer before you start your day in tamil | early morning prayers to start the day in tamil | morning prayer in tamil | early morning prayer in tamil | early morning prayer live in tamil | today morning prayer in tamil | morning prayer in tamil today | morning prayer in tamil live | morning prayer live in tamil | jesus morning prayer in tamil | morning christian prayer in tamil | morning worship prayer in tamil | morning prayer to start your day | morning prayer to start the day | morning prayer to begin your day | morning prayer to begin the day | morning prayer | today morning prayer | early morning prayer live | early morning prayer | morning prayer today | morning prayer live Wake up and start your day off right with God! Get up every morning stronger than yesterday! Morning Prayer motivation to begin your day! Whenever you start your day you need to start it with God. Get up early and take care of the hard tasks. When you learn to set your mind on God each morning, He'll give you all the strength and wisdom you need to conquer the day. Begin Your Day With This Prayer in Tamil! A powerful prayer to help you start your day with God! Make sure you give him glory and seek his mercies and protection for the day ahead or even just thank him for protecting you throughout the day. BEGIN YOUR DAY WITH GOD | Listen To This Before You Start Your Day - Morning Inspiration God is the source of our strength, identity and purpose in life. We must make God our first priority and make time for Him every morning. Jesus. And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, He went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. Mark 1:35 Devan aruliya appam ministry channel if you find it useful then please subscribe, click, share, ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ஒவ்வொரு நாளும் அதிகாலையில் எப்படி ஜெபிக்க வேண்டும் என்பதை பைபிள் வசனம் தியானித்து இயேசுவோடு நடக்க ஜெபிக்கிறோம். தேவன் அருளிய அப்பம் ஊழியம் சேனலை தொடர்ந்து பாருங்கள். இயேசு அதிகாலையில், இருட்டோடே எழுந்து புறப்பட்டு, வனாந்தரமான ஓரிடத்திற்க்குப்போய், அங்கே ஜெபம்பண்ணினார். அதிகாலையில் உமது கிருபையைக் கேட்கப்பண்ணும், உம்மை நம்பியிருக்கிறேன், நான் நடக்கவேண்டிய வழியை எனக்குக் காண்பியும், உம்மிடத்தில் என் ஆத்துமாவை உயர்த்துகிறேன். To support our ministry Our Account Details: NAME: RAVIRAJ A/C : 1264108049204 IFSC CODE: CNRB0016392 BANK: CANARA BANK BRANCH: PALAYAMKOTTAI - TIRUNELVELI GooglePay / Phone Pay / Paytm: + 91 9363064181 Bro: RaviRaj What's app Phone no: +91 9363064181 00:00 Early Morning Prayer in Tamil 00:30 Today Bible Verse in Tamil 01:00 Tamil Christian Message early morning prayer in tamil | morning prayer in tamil live | today morning prayer | morning prayer today | morning prayer live in tamil | powerful morning prayer before you start your day | today promise word in tamil |prayer in tamil | tamil prayer | pregnancy prayer in tamil | family protection prayer | today all night prayer in tamil | night prayer in tamil live today | morning prayer | night prayer | prayer | healing prayer in tamil | morning prayer tamil | midnight prayer in tamil | today bible verse in tamil | today's bible verse | today blessing word in tamil | daily bible verse in tamil | bible | daily devotional in tamil | daily devotion in tamil | tamil christian message | walk with jesus | jesus bible words in tamil | jesus message in tamil | christian message in tamil | deliverance prayer in tamil | christian prayer in tamil | athikalai jebam in tamil | iravu jebam in tamil | how to prayer in tamil | jebam | athiravile prarthana | நடு இரவு ஜெபம் | பகல் ஜெபம் | ஜெபம் | காலை ஜெபம் | அதிகாலை ஜெபம் | அதிகாலை ஜெபம் செய்வது எப்படி | எப்படி ஜெபிப்பது | இன்றைய வசனம் #devanaruliyaappamministry #prayer #tamilprayer #prayerintamil #earlymorningprayerintamil #earlymorningprayer #todaymorningprayerintamil #morningprayer #morningprayerintamil #morning #jesus #christian #bible #gospel #god #tamil #tamilchristianmessage #walkwithjesus