Resident Evil 8 Village Walkthrough Gameplay Part 11 Heisenberg Boss Fight

Resident Evil 8 Village Walkthrough Gameplay Part 11 Heisenberg Boss Fight

There has been continuous or near-continuous human habitation of the mountain range for millennia. Although no exact age has been determined, Mediæval folklore would indicate the region was once the heart of a powerful kingdom so ancient that nothing else was known of them. Ruins left by these people included four towering statues called the "Four Kings".[1] The village itself may have been founded considerably later, with four people in particular named in their folklore as the founders: Nichola, Berengario, Guglielmo, and Cesare, who was a Duke. The Pagan roots of this community are evident in Nichola's stone idol of a goddess, and a steel icon of the mythological Norse creature, Hræsvelgr. During the Late Mediæval Period, efforts were made by the emerging states to expand into the mountains. Although there was little interest in the people and their resources, control of the mountains was an important military endeavour. One such state was responsible for the construction of a castle to the south in the 15th century, later known as Castle Dimitrescu.[2] The villagers were treated with suspicion and contempt by the more pious soldiers who had set up their own fort to the west, who saw them as either heretics or pagans.[1][note 1] Efforts continued over time to Christianise the region, however, as evident by Orthodox artwork in one of the ruined buildings to the east of the village. How successful these efforts were is uncertain, as even in the 19th century it was a refuge for people such as Norshteyn, who were ostracized from their own communities for their religious beliefs.[3] #ResidentEvil8Village #Gaming #Roleplaying Infection Some point before the turn of the 20th century, a woman named Miranda took up residence in the village. She gave birth to a daughter, Eva, in 1909, but the girl tragically passed away during the Spanish flu pandemic ten years later. Distraught and inconsolable, Miranda wandered into a cave near the village and stumbled upon the Fungal Root that ran under the village, unwittingly infecting herself with the Mold in the process. Contacting the fungal hive mind, which contained the consciousness of everyone who had ever died and been consumed by the root, Miranda became convinced that she could revive Eva through the power of the Mold. To achieve her goal, Miranda took over the village by presenting herself as a divine figure, leading the inhabitants to worship her as "Mother Miranda". In reality, however, she was using them as guinea pigs for her experiments with the Cadou parasite she developed, trying to create "the perfect vessel" for Eva's consciousness. All of her attempts proved unsuccessful, with most of the subjects dying or mutating into Lycan monsters that began populating an old Stronghold outside the village perimeter. However, four subjects demonstrated unique reactions to the Cadou while retaining (most of) their cognizance: Alcina Dimitrescu, Salvatore Moreau, Donna Beneviento, and Karl Heisenberg. Recognizing the potential use of "assistants" in her work, Miranda adopted these four as her own "family", appointing them as the Lords of the Four Houses only answerable to herself.