Sunday, February 2 - 8:00 am Worship
Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany February 2, 2025 – 8:00 am Welcome to worship at Resurrection Lutheran Church! Today, we celebrate God’s work in our lives, receiving His Word and Sacraments that strengthens our relationship with Him and one another. By the blood of Christ, we are the household of God that He builds up by grace, through faith, and for service! Miracles always surprise. The miracles of Jesus surprise in extraordinary ways. Not only do they overthrow the apparent and expected "order" of things in this world. Whether healings, exorcisms, quieting of storms or resurrections of the dead, Jesus' miracles reveal something about what He would eventually accomplish through His cross and empty tomb. Most importantly, Jesus' miracles say something about what Jesus is still at work doing in and among His people--though we often can't see or perceive it. Jesus' whole ministry is one of goodness beyond compare, of extravagant mercy beyond what we deserve or even dare ask, and of grace hidden in ordinary things like words, water, bread, and wine. What miracle is Jesus at work to accomplish IN you? What miracle is Jesus at work to accomplish THROUGH you, today? Sermon by Pastor Zach Sarrault The Miracles of Jesus 3: The Miracle of Everyday Healing Luke 4:31-44 Old Testament Reading, Jeremiah 1:4-10 Epistle, 1 Corinthians 12:31b-13:13 Holy Gospel, Luke 4:31-44 Music: Prelude - In Babilone – P. Manz Opening Hymn - Word of God, Come Down on Earth, LSB 545 Text: James Quinn, 1919-2010. Text: © 1969 OCP Publications. Used by permission: LSB Hymn License no. 110004212. Gloria in Excelsis, LSB 204 Text: Stephen P. Starke Gradual by Sanctuary Choir Cantate Domino – G. O. Pitoni Alleluia and Verse, LSB 205 Hymn - “Away from Us!” the Demon Cried, LSB 541 Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., 1923-2007. Text: © 2000 GIA Publications, Inc. Used by permission: LSB Hymn License no. 110004212. Offering of Music by Sanctuary Choir This Little Light of Mine – arr. J. Leavitt Distribution Hymn - Just as I Am, without One Plea, LSB 570 Text: Charlotte Elliott, 1789-1871. Text: Public domain. Distribution Hymn - I Lay My Sins on Jesus, LSB 606 Text: Horatius Bonar, 1808-89. Text: Public domain. Distribution Hymn - Your Hand, O Lord, in Days of Old, LSB 846 Text: Edward H. Plumptre, 1821-91, alt. Text: Public domain. Closing Hymn - He’s Risen, He’s Risen, LSB 480 Text: C. F. W. Walther, 1811-87, abr.; tr. Anna M. Meyer, 1867-1941, alt. Text: © 1941 Concordia Publishing House. Used by permission: LSB Hymn License no. 110004212. Postlude - In Babilone – F. Peeters Serving in Worship: Preacher - Rev. Zach Sarrault Presiding Minister - Rev. Dr. Jonathan Blanke Organist - Robert Unger Acolyte - Bobby Field Lector - Brenda Peterson Slide Tech - Paul Brandt Camera Operator/Live Stream Producer - Susan Moore