6 More Weeks of Winter? Groundhog Day Predictions Are In! ❄️
🌸❄️ Will spring come early, or are we in for six more weeks of winter? The answer lies in the tiny paws of North America’s favorite furry forecasters! 🦫 Groundhog Day 2025 is here, and the first prediction came from Shubenacadie Sam at 8:00 a.m.—he saw his shadow, meaning six more weeks of winter! 🥶 Even Lucy the Lobster backed up that forecast. But what about the other famous groundhogs across Canada and the U.S.? Did Punxsutawney Phil or Wiarton Willie agree? Watch now to find out! 🔥 Do you believe in Groundhog Day predictions? Let us know in the comments! 🔔 Subscribe to KnowMore Studio for more fascinating news and traditions! See more Nature, Weather & the wild side of Earth here: • Nature, Weather & the Wild Side of Earth #GroundhogDay #GroundhogDay2025 #EarlySpring #WinterForecast #WeatherPrediction #PunxsutawneyPhil #ShubenacadieSam #KnowMoreStudio