9 weeks pregnant baby size

9 weeks pregnant baby size

#pregnancyweekbyweek #bellyprogression #9weekspregnant #pregnancytest #9weeks #firsttrimester At 9 weeks pregnant you are in the first trimester of your pregnancy and at 9 weeks pregnant you are in your 3 month of pregnancy. You may start noticing symptoms such as nausea, cramping, breast tenderness and breast changes, mood swings, constipation and food adversions and food cravings. At 9 weeks, the baby will be forming limbs, facial features and more. At 9 weeks pregnant the baby's fruit size is compared to grape or a cherry. It is common to see symptoms come and go. You might also see 9 weeks pregnant symptoms disappear or be gone altogether. At 9 weeks pregnant there are no signs of a boy or signs of a girl.