Power BI Tutorial for Beginners to Advanced 2025 | Power BI Full Course for Free in 20 Hours
Power BI Tutorial for Beginners to Advanced 2025 | Power BI Full Course for Free in 20 Hours Power BI is a business analytics tool that helps you make sense of your data. It connects to various data sources, such as Excel files, databases, or cloud storage, and transforms your data into interactive and visual reports. Welcome to power bi tutorial for beginners to advanced 2025 course. A 20 hour free comprehensive course, perfect for beginners to advanced learners. Learn from scratch and become a Power BI expert. Whether you're a student, professional, or entrepreneur, this Power BI tutorial for beginners will take you from zero to hero. Topics covered in Power BI Full Course 00:00 Introduction to Power BI Full course 03:15 What is Power BI Why Power BI 05:37 Concepts of Data Analytics 12:36 Power BI Ecosystem 21:10 Create User and Login for the First Time 27:09 Power BI Licenses How to Install and Open Desktop 1:05:32 Data Overview and Load Data and Create Relationships 1:30:33 Missing Join Bi-Directional Joins 1:42:24 Concepts Divide vs Multiply 1:47:19 Calculated Columns and Create Measures 2:09:42 Create Theme and Enable Dark Mode 2:24:18 Table Visual Matrix Visual 3:12:01 Bar Visual Stacked Visual 4:03:49 Pie Visual Tree Map 4:14:59 Line Visual Area Visual 4:44:07 Scatter Visual 5:02:45 Marker Enhancements 5:15:03 Funnel Chart Visual 5:33:50 Card Visual and Multi-Row Card Visual 5:43:24 Filters and Slicer 6:12:16 Button or Tile Slicer 6:28:00 Power BI New Text Slicer and List Slicer 6:49:11 Sync Slicer and Sync Across Fields 6:58:00 Combo Visuals 7:07:28 Visual Format String 7:18:07 What is DAX 7:26:27 Understanding Context Row vs Filter Context 7:43:15 DAX Query View 7:59:39 If and Switch 8:06:41 Expression Functions 8:14:09 Calculate and Filter 8:22:11 All and AllSelected 8:35:27 RemoveFilters and AllExcept 8:46:23 Calculate With and Without Filters 8:54:27 EARLIER 9:02:23 SEARCH FIND CONTAINSSTRING and CONTAINSSTRINGEXACT 9:14:44 LEFT RIGHT MID 9:22:33 SELECTCOLUMNS SUMMARIZE UNION INTERSECT EXCEPT VALUES and DISTINCT 9:42:06 GroupBy vs Summarize 9:44:59 GenerateSeries CrossJoin vs Generate 9:57:32 Avg of Sum 10:08:20 DISTINCTCOUNT with SUMMARIZE 10:11:24 Percent of Total and SubTotal 10:15:39 RANKX TOPN 10:32:40 ISFILTERED and HASONEVALUE 10:38:27 Why We Need a Calendar Table 10:39:11 Calendar Auto and DAX Calendar 10:50:16 Basic Calendar Columns and Sort Column 11:04:25 Month Quarter Year Start and End Week Start and End 11:21:53 Calendar FY Year 11:26:06 What is Time Intelligence and 6 Points to Remember for TI 11:34:18 Till Date DATESMTD TOTALMTD DATESQTD TOTALQTD DATESYTD and TOTALYTD 11:50:27 Previous Month and LMTD WTD and WOW 12:04:47 Trailing Period Day Month Year 12:10:22 Introduction to Window Functions OFFSET WINDOW INDEX RANK and ROWNUMBER 12:47:09 Visual Calculation Introduction 13:00:28 RunningSum CollapseAll Moving Average Previous Next 13:11:02 First Last Range Expand ExpandAll Collapse CollapseAll 13:24:17 Reset Templates 13:33:10 Visual Calculations Index OFFSET RANK 13:50:18 RowNumber with Window 14:01:14 Visual Calculations Enhancements 14:10:40 Conditional Formatting 14:31:29 Interactions and Bookmarks 14:48:33 Calculation Groups and Field Parameters 15:09:43 Drill Through and Tooltip Page 15:22:43 AI Visuals 15:28:02 Custom Visual Text Filter 15:28:41 Play Axis 15:30:26 New Card Visual and Small Multiples for that 15:50:38 Power Query Overview 16:01:34 Unpivot Data Pivot Data 16:04:59 Remove Rows Blank and Duplicate 16:07:43 Fill Up and Fill Down 16:08:45 Replace Value Transpose Data 16:12:30 Merge Queries Append Queries 16:23:26 Create Column in Power Query 16:32:40 Group By 16:36:10 String Operations in Power Query 16:44:30 Double Unpivot 16:49:31 Cross Join in Power Query 16:54:43 What is M Functions Overview and Basic M Datatypes 17:16:52 Power Query Functions 17:19:30 Power Query List and Text Functions 17:35:37 Power Query Date Table 17:54:49 Importance of Disconnected Table 18:07:03 Create Dimension from a Single Table 18:22:11 Append Excel Sheets into One Table 18:30:55 Sort Comma-Separated Strings 18:42:36 Split and Distinct Columns 18:47:27 Split and Combine Columns 18:55:31 Index and Sub Rank 19:06:36 Clean Up File for Publishing 19:11:38 Power BI Service and Publish Report 19:24:34 Live Connection 19:29:48 Edit Report in Power BI Service 19:38:18 Dashboard and Refresh Data 19:45:45 Create Report in Service 19:47:10 Create Dataflows and Power BI Apps 19:56:36 Analyze in Excel and PowerPoint