**To follow the service and to make a donation please click on the "SHOW MORE" link below** Orthros and Divine Liturgy on the Sunday after the Nativity, live from Saint Sophia "The Holy Wisdom of God" Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Washington, DC. Follow the services here: Orthros: https://dcs.goarch.org/goa/dcs/h/s/20... Divine Liturgy: https://dcs.goarch.org/goa/dcs/h/s/20... Find us: Website: https://saintsophiadc.org Facebook: / saintsophiadc To donate: https://saintsophiadc.org/stewardship... OR CLICK TO DONATE BELOW: TEXT-TO-GIVE, by simply texting us at 202-899-7801 Contribute to a Virtual Candle: https://membership.faithdirect.net/gi... Contribute to a Virtual Tray: https://membership.faithdirect.net/gi... Light a Virtual “Kandili” (Votive Candle) for Health and Remembrance of your loved ones: https://membership.faithdirect.net/gi... Donate by check: https://saintsophiadc.org/contact/ PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr... “Investment Fund” account at “Merrill Lynch” Deliver Securities (for direct transfers of stocks) Wire Funds transactions (Merrill Lynch Ref.#8862) Please Click below to make a Capital Campaign Preserve and Protect Donation: https://membership.faithdirect.net/gi... SUNDAY ORTHROS AND DIVINE LITURGY BEGINS AT 8:00 AM. Please subscribe to our Saint Sophia Live Channel (click the bell symbol to turn on “Notifications”) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRJ3... If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Cathedral Administrator at 202-838-1553.