Easy money plant stick|Moss stick Making| plant support stick Making at home #mossstick #moneyplant
In this video you will see simply how to make your own money plant growing sticks for indoor decoration planter and money plant growing ideas with available materials. Easy ideas to grow money plant on support sticks for indoor or outdoor. Train your pothos plants to grow upward and growing sticks are the best method of support for your pothos and helps climbing and grow faster and higher. money plant stick made in 4 simple steps and with simple ingredients including pipe having 1" diameter, coconut husk/coir/coconut fiber and and jute twine or Nylon thread these ingredients are easily available in market with very cheap price. you can make your own money plant stick at home with very low cost. #moneyplant #greenplants #moneyplantdecoration #plantspole #gardening #moneyplant #moneyplantstick #moneyplanthomedecore #money