10/8 at 8 AM Sunday Mass - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rosary before Mass
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2023-10-8 Mass at St. Rita's Dundalk
SLR 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10/8/23 11:30 am Mass
10 am Sunday Mass, October 8, 2023
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Confirmation Mass October 8, 2023
10/8/23 27th week in Ordinary Time Sunday 11:30 Mass
27th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME, Oct 8, 2023, 9:30AM
10-8-2023 Sunday Mass 9:00 am live stream
The Holy Mass | 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time| 10/8/2023 @ 11AM
10-8-23- Celebration of the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time| 11am Sunday Mass
10/8 at 12 PM Sunday Mass - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday Mass - 27th Sunday Ordinary Time - 10:30 AM - 10/8/2023
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10-08-2023 10:45 am Mass
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time, 11 am Mass, 10/8/23
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 10/8/23 10 AM Mass
10:00 am Mass for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Pius X Sunday Mass, 9 AM, 10-8-23
Live Stream 10:00 AM Sunday Mass 10-8-2023
10:00 AM Mass at St. Jerome Walbridge Saturday 10/8/202327th Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev Scott Woods
10/8/2023 - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time