Rite Two Holy Eucharist 10AM | 15 January 2023

Rite Two Holy Eucharist 10AM | 15 January 2023

St. John’s Episcopal Church | Portsmouth, NH Joining us today? Give at http://www.stjohnsnh.org All music recorded by St. John's musicians All music under OneLicense A-726442 Chapters: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:11 Prelude, "Were You There," arr. Stephen Bulla; plus Community Announcements 00:06:14 Processional Hymn 7, “Christ, whose glory fills the skies” 00:08:19 Welcome, Opening Acclamation, Gloria, and Collect of the Day 00:11:08 The First Reading, Isaiah 49, 1-7 00:13:16 Psalm 40, 1-5 00:15:10 Sequence Hymn 121, “Christ, when for us you were baptized” 00:16:20 The Gospel, John 1, 29-42 00:19:31 The Sermon, The Rev. Robert E. Stevens, Jr. 00:34:09 The Nicene Creed 00:36:00 The Prayers of the People 00:37:47 The Confession and Absolution, and The Peace 00:39:19 Announcements 00:44:12 Offertory Anthem, “Ubi Caritas,” Maurice Duruflé 00:47:02 The Great Thanksgiving, Sanctus, Memorial Acclamation 00:52:26 The Lord's Prayer, Breaking of the Bread 00:57:23 Communion Anthem, “This little light of mine,” arr. Moses Hogan; featuring Joseph Harris, baritone soloist 01:01:50 Post Communion Prayer and Blessing 01:02:45 Recessional Hymn 538, “God of mercy, God of grace” 01:04:44 The Dismissal and Postlude, “Every Time I Feel the Spirit,” arr. John Carter; plus Community Announcements