How to Post a Puppies Cropped Ears
In this video learn how to maintain your puppies ear crop so that they stay standing straight and not turn in to big ear muffs on your dogs head. Join the Pet Achiever’s Club: https://www.petachievers.com/pet-achi... My Dog Supps: Puppy Blocks: Amino Blend: https://mydogsupps.com Minimize Dog BARKING using this Dog Desensitization Playlist: • Dog Desensitization Sounds My Dog Tools: Dog Nutrition Guides: https://www.mydogtools.com/shop Follow us on Social Media: Instagram: @fitbullykennels: https://instagram.com/fitbullykennels... @betterbestdog: https://instagram.com/betterbestdog?i... @grindlifefbk : https://instagram.com/grindlifefbk?ig... @iamstan90: https://instagram.com/iamstan90?igshi... TikTok: @tf365: https://www.tiktok.com/@mydogtools?_t... @betterbestdog: https://www.tiktok.com/@betterbestdog... @hunter_grindlife: https://www.tiktok.com/@hunter_grindl... @iamstan90: https://www.tiktok.com/@iamstan90?_t=...