बिना OTP के Bank Account से लूटने का नया तरीका | Live देख लो कैसे Fraud करते हैं | UPI Based Fraud

बिना OTP के Bank Account से लूटने का नया तरीका | Live देख लो कैसे Fraud करते हैं | UPI Based Fraud

On such online frauds are executed targeting mobile payment application user, “In this mix of malware plus human engineering scam, someone knowingly sends money to your account via mobile payment application gateway and calls you posing that the money was sent in your account by mistake and requests that you send the money back to their number. If you send the money back, you could become a victim of cybercrime. How this phishing is executed, When mobile payment application user repays the money received, their sensitive personal data comes under potential attack by the online fraudster for potential misuse, aimed at causing financial loss to the user.” This is a mix of malware phishing plus human engineering and hence existing anti-malware software may not be sufficient to safeguard Mobile payment application users from this online fraud. The best solution for Mobile payment application users is to just reply to such calls citing they are asking their bank to look into the matter. ask the caller to come to nearest police station and receive its money instead of giving the money back to the sender.