দেখলেই পারবে HSC ICT ৫ম অধ্যায়ের প্রোগ্রাম || 5th chapter programming language ||
Dear students, Assalamu Alaikum. This video teaches the syllabus of Chapter V of Higher Secondary ICT book. Any arithmetic sequence program is represented by three loops. Past higher secondary ICT board exam questions from the program. This is how questions will appear in your ICT exam. Hope you can see it carefully. Only higher secondary ICT classes are uploaded consistently on this YouTube channel of mine. Please subscribe to the channel to get the next class easily, thanks. আমার কাছে অনলাইনে ICT পড়তে যোগাযোগ : শাহাবুদ্দিন স্যার - মোবাইল : 01768-712357 পার্সোনাল ফেসবুক আইডির লিংক : https://www.facebook.com/newshahabudd... #hsc_ict #programming #hsc_ict_chapter_5